
JIA Illustration Award 2021 総評

イラストの公募展 "JIA Illustration Award 2021" の受賞作品の発表です。



審査員は、アメリカ在住のイラストレーターHannah Li氏ドイツ在住のグラフィツクデザイナー兼イラストレーターAilun Jiang氏アメリカ在住のイラストレーターBelle Lee氏ベルギー在住のイラストレーターFatinha Ramos氏日本イラストレーター協会会長 蟹江隆広氏の計5名で構成しました。


Hannah Li (Illustrator in USA)

It is such an honor to be the judge for this year’s JIA Illustration Competition.
I was amazed by the talented artists from the world and feel extremely lucky to be able to review each of their expressive entries.
I appreciate the time and effort, creativity, and most importantly, originality that these artists have put into this entry.
Shoutout to all the winners of this year. Congratulations!
I also want to congrats to all the artists who have submitted their work to this competition, it was very difficult to pick winners among so many great works.
Thanks to Japan Illustrators’ Association and Mr. Takahiro Kanie for delivering JIA Illustration Award each year and offering us this powerful platform to showcase our works.
Stay creative, stay positive, be kind, be brave, much love!

Ailun Jiang (Illustrator & Graphic designer in Germany)

As an illustration learner and creator, it's very fortunate that I can see so many excellent entries and participate in the review.
I’m gratified that, there is neither overuse of the epidemic theme nor gushing expression, but the real feelings, extraordinary imaginations, wonderful narratives, ingenious and unique techniques of illustrators in the shortlisted works.
Many works are infinitely experimental, reflecting some popular trends and directions of current illustration in the world.
A large number of digital illustrations were submitted to this competition.
I believe that with the development of painting applications, more and more impressive works will appear in the future.
Freedom is the soul of illustration.
Being eclectic, daring of try, formation of visual language and logic are essential for every illustrator to achieve outstanding works.
Some illustrations present fascinating religious themes and cultural characteristics, which benefit me a lot.
I would like to congratulate every winner, and hope that all participating illustrators will continue making persistent efforts to find the freedom of creation.

Belle Lee (Illustrator in USA)

It was absolutely amazing to be able to participate as a judge for the JIA Illustration Award 2021.  
Looking at beautiful artworks from all around the world made me very inspired and motivated.
I want to thank you all who submitted this competition.
Of course it wasn’t easy to select the few artists and decide who to give points to.  
I tried my best and hope everyone can learn something from the comments.  
Thank you JIA again for the great opportunity! 

Fatinha Ramos (Illustrator in Belgium)

It was a treat and an inspiration seeing so much talent from all over the world.
It made more difficult to choose the winners.
I hope all the participants can thrive though the illustration world without loosing hope, and keep on working and doing their best to show their artistic voice.
For the winners I hope to have inspired them with my comments in a way, and that this boost can make you all go further, and keep on doing what you do.
I feel so honored to be able to participate as a judge for the JIA Illustration Award 2021, thank you so much you all.

蟹江 隆広(日本イラストレーター協会 会長)



Hannah Li (Illustrator in USA)

Hannah Li is a Chinese illustrator based in Manhattan, NY.
She graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design and provides illustrations for newspapers and magazines such as the New York Times, Washington Post, and Harper's Bazaar. She illustrates for publishers such as Penguin Random House and Macmillan.
Hannah’s multiple pieces have been recognized by the Red Dot Award, Communication Arts Excellence Award, American Illustration Winner, Society of Illustrators Winner, 3x3 Distinguished Merit Winner, and many more.
Her work has been exhibited in the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in China, the Museum of American Illustration in New York, and worldwide.
She is currently working on her new picture books with several publishers and will be coming in 2022.

Website: https://www.hannahliart.com/

Behance: https://www.behance.net/hannahli

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannahhhli/

Ailun Jiang (Illustrator & Graphic designer in Germany)

In 2008, Ailun Jiang began studying visual communication at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.
After completing his Bachelor of Arts, he focused on illustration and moving images.
Since 2014, he has studied at Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin, Germany.
For his thesis, he spent a year working on interactive illustrations and was awarded Gold Cube at the ADC Art Directors Club 100th Annual Awards (USA), Gold at the JIA Illustration Award 2020 (JPN), Bronze at the Joseph Binder Award (AT), Red Dot Design Award (GER), 2 Gold and 1 Silver at the Indigo Design Award (NL) , Merit at the 3×3 International Illustration Awards (USA) and the Applied Arts Student Awards 2020 (CAN), among others.
Some of his works were published in European art books such as “Freistil 7 - Das Buch der Illustration”.
Now he is living and working as an illustrator and designer on picture books in Berlin.
In recent years, he has participated in several exhibitions in Germany, Austria and Italy.
He is also a member of Japan Illustrators' Association.

Website: https://jiangailun.com/

Behance: https://www.behance.net/ailunjiang

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allenjohn1989/

Belle Lee (USA)

Belle Lee is an award-winning illustrator for the Healing tree story book.
She has worked with Coaniquem, a nonprofit pediatric burn treatment facility in Santiago, The Washington Post, Blik, and Guru animation.
She is currently working as a character artist for the LOL SURPRISE toy brand at MGA entertainment.
Also she has been awarded with several different prizes in competitions and professional shows worldwide.

Website: http://www.belle-lee.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/belleisdrawing

Behance: https://www.behance.net/letmedraw

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/belleisdrawing/

Fatinha Ramos (Illustrator in Belgium)

Fatinha Ramos is an Antwerp-based illustrator and visual artist originally from Portugal.
After working for twelve years in design and art direction, she took the leap of faith to follow the old dream of becoming a full-time illustrator.
With strong conceptual illustrations, she takes you on a journey through a unique universe of rich colors and singular textures.
Her destination? To strike an emotional chord with you.
She often raises important social issues such as global warming, sexism, racism, giving a voice to those who need to be heard.
In addition to editorial illustrations, children’s books, cultural and governmental illustrations, advertisement, murals, animation, fashion, theater, ceramics, and personal projects, she also gives talks, lectures and workshops around the world.
Clients include: MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art), Google, The New York Times, TIME, The Washington Post, Scientific American, The Smithsonian Magazine, The Boston Globe, Amnesty International, Flemish Government…
Her work has been internationally recognized by American Illustration, The Society of Illustrators NY, 3×3 Magazine, Communication Arts, World Illustrations Awards, Creative Quarterly, Global Illustration Awards, Cannes Lions, and many more.

Website: https://fatinha.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatinharamos/

蟹江 隆広(日本イラストレーター協会 会長)

1977年 関西大学工学部を4年で中退後渡米、サンフランシスコで2年間遊学
1981年 東京デザイナー学院入学
1983年 レベル工房入社(大日本印刷内エアーブラシの会社)
1985年 レベル工房退社後フリーのイラストレーターに
1987年 (株)シュガー入社(イラストの会社)
1987年 日刊工業新聞広告賞金賞受賞
1988年 日刊工業新聞広告賞金賞受賞
1989年 日刊工業新聞広告賞銀賞受賞
1989年 (株)シュガー退社後再びフリーに
1990年 (有)クレア設立(イラストの制作会社)後に(株)クレアに組織変更
1999年 日本イラストレーター協会設立
2004年 (株)クレアの代表取締役を降りる
2006年 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 2006 選考委員
2007年 Society of illustrators U.S.A.会員に認定される
2007年 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 07/08 選考委員
2008年 ZEN展(東京都立美術館)優秀賞受賞
2009年 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 09/10 選考委員
2010年 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 11/12 選考委員

・セガ ゲームソフトパッケージ
・エニックスゲーム ソフトのポスターおよびパッケージ
・セントラルホビー ジグソーパズル(海洋アート、スーパーマリオ、など多数)
・テンヨー ジグソーパズル(ディズニーなど多数)
・工学社「ウインドウズDTP」 表紙1年間12点
・単行本の表紙 多数
・科学雑誌ニュートン 見開きイラスト他多数
・CDジャケット ランバダ他多数
・ガンダムシリーズのカード絵など 多数

Website: https://illustratortk.wixsite.com/takahirokanie

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000258126489

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/takahiro.kanie/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/takakanie

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/takahiro-kanie-644597195/

Behance : https://www.behance.net/info0ce980d1

Artstation : https://www.artstation.com/takahirokanie
