作家略歴Jiu'er, picture book Author, illustrator. 作画方法、画材などsculpture design 自己PR展示会に出品歴In 2015, she held "Hometown Meeting-Original Exhibition of Jiu'Er's Picture Books" in Beijing Capital Library, China. 受賞歴In 2016, she became the first China female painter to be selected for the IBBY Prize list with the high-quality illustrations in Don't Jump Rope with Frogs. 今までにした主なイラスト関係の仕事He served as the judge of the first Zhang Leping Picture Book Award and the "Golden Windmill" International Young Illustrator Competition of Shanghai International Children's Book Fair. ウエブサイト準備中 #イラスト #イラストレーター #ギャラリー #明るい(Bright) #暖かい(Warm) #カラフル(Colorful) #子供向け(For children)#動物(Animal) #絵本(Picture book) #水彩画(Watercolor painting) #色鉛筆画(Color pencil drawing) #鉛筆画(Pencil drawing) イラストレーターに直接発注する際には「日本イラストレーター協会のサイトで見た」と伝えて下さい。 |
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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year
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